Friday, September 16, 2011

Trade on the Financial Markets with MetaTrader 5

We are pleased to announce a new version of the MetaTrader 5 iPhone. The MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform is a perfectly equipped trader'sworking tool that allows trading on the financial markets (Forex, Stocks,Futures and CFD). Its main feature is the long awaited support of technicalindicators.
The first version of the app was launched in January 2011,which only allowed you to only trade and monitor your account. By March, interactivecharts were included into the program, which allowed traders to visually trackprice movements. The new MetaTrader 5 iPhone includes 14 technical indicators,and the number of analytical tools will be further expanded. You cansimultaneously open up to 10 indicator windows in the application. Moreover,you can apply an indicator to the main chart window or to other indicators. Inshort, with the release of the updated MetaTrader 5 iPhone, the arsenal ofmobile traders has grown considerably.

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